Wholesale Organic Bananas Sydney Australia

Organic Bananas Vs Regular Bananas

The first obvious difference is that regularly grown bananas use Synthetic Fertilisers and many also use Glyphosate.


Besides chlorine, Glyphosate is possibly the singluar most deadly product on the market.

Linked to cancers, tumours, kidney failures in the hundreds of thousands. Yet farmers still use this toxin instead of companion planting.

Please do your own research to see how this product may be harming your family.

A CHELATOR means that it removes minerals from plants and humans and animals.

Synthetic Fertilisers

Synthetic Fertilisers have been proven to seriously deplete the nutritional content of foods.

Synthetic Nitrogen has been shown to impeded the absorption of minerals by plants which means that the overall quality of the food you eat which is commercially grown is reduced, and in some cases, substantially.

Yet this is not the worst problem you face by eating commercially grown foods.

Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium

When you buy Synthetic based fertilisers, you will notice on the container or packet 3 numbers which usually look something like this: 13:8:7 or any other similar combination of numbers depending upon the plant species it is targeted towards.

These 3 elements represented are N, P, K which equal Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium.

So if we add these numbers up, we get 28% by volume of the packet or container.

Now the bad news. The other 72% is usually not disclosed and in MANY CASES, this may be made up of human waste, chemicals, industrial waste, salts and even GMO plant waste may be (and often is) used as a filler for the balance of the packet.

You may be infecting your family with GMO and not even know it.

Direct contact or exposure to synthetic chemical Fertilisers has been shown to actually kill babies or cause health problems in many young people, and even adults.

Remember this the next time you pick up a bag or bottle of fertiliser.

Also, if you have any type of urinary or kidney or liver or allergy or health difficulties, you should especially avoid any type of direct exposure.

The adverse effects of synthetic chemical Fertilisers are often underplayed and ignored despite their damage being far reaching. Synthetic Fertilisers cause a vast array of symptoms, some immediate, some signs showing up later, some effects on people and animals are direct, and some effects are indirect.

Thinking of buying imported produce?

THINK about this first.

While the following paragraph is a common practice in the USA, for example, it does also occur in most other industrialised countries around the world.

Most people would be skeptical to believe that toxic residues from industrial waste could possibly be used to fill up the majority of a bag of Fertiliser. In fact they would be wrong.

It is actually more common than you would think legally possible.

An independent research group in the USA tested Fertilisers from only 12 states for 22 toxic heavy metals, and found that these Fertilisers contained high levels of the following toxic substances. Of the 29 Fertilisers tested some were major and popular brands which contained significant levels of Lead, mercury, arsenic, cadmium, barium, chromium, nickel, beryllium, dioxin, etc.

Many of the metals found in these Fertilisers are known or suspected carcinogens, causing reproductive, neurological and developmental problems especially for babies, as well as liver, and blood toxicants and to make matters worse, it was found that over 120,000 tonnes of these chemicals are added to common fertilisers each year in the USA alone.

Think about that the next time you buy from overseas.

The TPP would have flooded Australia with toxic products like this. Please consider this as well.

To make matters

Conventional (non-organic) farmers in the USA, Europe and Canada (even Australia) are not required to delay harvesting after applying fresh manure. When we say FRESH Manure, please understand that this is human waste we are talking about, pharmaceuticals and everything else disgusting which goes with this.

To show just how ignorant and stupid some farmers actually are, in the USA and Canada, there were massive outbreaks of e-coli poisoning due to human sludge being sprayed onto vegetables which were literally due to be harvested.

Organic farmers must wait 90-120 days between application of raw manure and the harvest of any organic crop which may be eaten raw, which allows the fresh manure time to compost and thus, prevent the spread of any potentially dangerous bacteria. From talking with different farmers and ranchers, I was amazed at how gross the dumping of masses of chemicals onto fields really was.

Buying meat from America?

Think about this. Most CAFO (controlled animal farms) keep their cattle, sheep, pigs, etc in small pens, (pigs are often kept in cages) and they stand and sleep in their own excrement.

So how does the American FDA get around this massive infection of e-coli which occurs as the skin of the animal is removed from the body?

Simple solution. The WASH the meat is a toxic BIOCIDE called chlorine which is absorbed into the meat and then sold to people like you.

Please look this up online. Sadly it is true.

This meat is then processed using CARBON MONOXIDE to make it appear red. Nothing like sniffing car fumes for that extra boost of health.

WHAT???? Crops watered with Human Excrement?

When you buy organic, you do not need to worry about this.

The really sad thing is that many convential (non-organic) farmers in the US, Canada, Europe and even AUSTRALIA use human waste on their crops as fertilizer, even right up until just before harvest thereby potentially endangering your life and your childrens lives.

While in Australia it generally from contaminate ground water, it the USA and Canada it is in fact "trucked" to the farm and then watered onto the crops.

Synthetic Nitrogen

Nitrogen (when forcibly fed to plants) is known for promoting rapid excessive green growth (much like steroids in a human). The smell of this excessive nitrogen attracts pests like aphids which can reproduce a-sexually (Parthenogenesis) every very very quickly. Some sources claim that "A newly born aphid becomes a reproducing adult within about a week and then can produce up to 5 babies per day for up to 30 days".

This nitrogen boost to the plants and the subsequent attraction of the aphids causes most farmers to apply yet more chemicals such as insecticides (or pesticides).

Faux Plants

Nitrogen is the big player in commercial Fertilisers. The appearance is a rapid lush green growth when applied on the lawn.

This "Green" does not mean that the plants are healthy. It simply gives the illusion that they are and this is because most people do not understand much about plant physiology.

Synthetic Nitrogen actually causes harm to plants and animals in a number of ways.

  • Firstly it literally burns the soil.
  • Secondly, it can be fatal to humans in the right amounts.
  • Thirdly, think about SIDS. The mother eats lots of vegetables, these are super boosted with nitrogen, the baby drinks the mothers milk and ingests excessive amounts of nitrogen (Nitrates). (see below)

Ammonium nitrate (NH3NO3): Ammonia, a base, is extremely toxic to humans. It has a sharp penetrating odor.

Because the accumulation of ammonia in the body can quickly lead to death, the urea cycle in humans is extremely important.

This is very important for people doing Fasting to be aware of and to avoid Dry fasting (DF) and instead do Water Fasting so that they do not end up with excessive nitrogen in their bodies thus causing liver and / or kidney failure.

Nitrate is converted to a very toxic substance (nitrite) within the digestive systems of human infants and also different livestock and poultry and birds.

SIDS Again

During the first few months of an infants life or in some baby animals or in some adult animals there exists a bacteria in the stomach which changes the nitrate to nitrite.

Nitrite is extremely toxic and reacts with the hemoglobin in the blood to cut out the oxygen supply. It does not take a whole lot of substance to start producing toxic reactions.

A baby may suffocate if not given immediate medical attention.

Signs are parts of the body turning blue (cyanosis) or the blood turning chocolate brown. These signs occur with both humans and animals.

Some livestock will go into convulsions and then die. Pregnant mothers should also dramatically avoid Fertilisers.

Also, you certainly would not want to expose any of your young pets (or some adult species) to Fertiliser.


There is too much to write about the dangers of Synthetic Fertilisers to put here.

I strongly recommend that you do some of your own google research. Please AVOID wikipedia if you want more truthful answers.


This is why it is important to buy Organic foods.


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